
The Future of Offshore Wind Power in Massachusetts

Wednesday, Oct 28, 2015

On October 28, 2015, GABC and TÜV SÜD America, Inc co-hosted a panel discussion with leaders in the offshore wind power industry, sharing experiences and presenting on current projects.

Sponsored by TÜV SÜD America, Inc.

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Moderator Matthew Morrissey is the Director of OffshoreWind MA, a collaboration of offshore wind developers who hold leases on the R.I. and MA wind energy areas.

Thomas Brostrøm is General Manager of DONG Energy’s North American business. He was responsible for DONG Energy's market entry into the US and is currently responsible for the company’s US activities.

Our key panelist was Thomas Brostrøm, General Manager of DONG Energy’s North American business. Thomas was responsible for DONG Energy’s market entry into the US and is currently responsible for the company’s US activities.

Liz Burdock, Director, Business Network for Maryland Offshore Wind (BizMDOSW)

Panelist Liz Burdock, Director of the Business Network for Maryland Offshore Wind presented on what’s happening further south in Maryland as they educate key policymakers, stakeholders and the public about the benefits of offshore wind energy.

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Panelist Derek Stilwell, presented the view of turbine producer Alstom.

Paul Wierl (left) of TÜV SÜD America, Inc., the event Sponsor

Paul Wierl (left) of TÜV SÜD America, Inc., the event Sponsor


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