
Glühweinabend: Meet the YP Steering Committee

Monday, Dec 10, 2018

The GABC Young Professionals gathered at a “Meet The Committee” Night – over Glühwein and beef stew (Gulaschsuppe) to celebrate the season on a cold December evening while talking “YP” goals and expectations, mingle and get to know one another: What is uniquely YP and speaks to this group, and how can the steering committee serve its membership best in the coming year? Anne Fassl, chair of the steering committee, introduced her fellow committee members, and talked about the group’s ideas and goals for the next year and collected feedback to be incorporated into next year’s YP events.

The GABC Young Professionals Group was founded in 2016 and its mission is to connect and empower young professionals through social and business networking opportunities in the German-American community of Boston and beyond. It is open to all students, recent grads, postdocs, interested mentors, and any members at the early stages of their careers. As a priority right from the start, GABC YP also initiated a Mentoring Program which brings together young and experienced professionals in purposeful, mutually rewarding relationships.

The event was generously hosted at a private residence.



Glühwein (mulled wine) steaming in the pot.

YPs, guests and advisors were enjoying company and conversations!

A dessert buffet of traditional German holiday sweets.

A homemade gingerbread house by the host.

Event photos: Emily Westhoven

Photo credit (top photo): Glühwein flickr photo by Zoi Koraki shared under a Creative Commons (BY-ND) license