
Summary of Past Events

Saturday, Jul 30, 2011

Sommerfest for new GABC Board of Directors

On July 30, 2011, the GABC Board of Directors and their partners came together for a lighthearted Sommerfest dinner at the home of GABC Executive Director, Marian LeMay. Each July, the GABC Board of Directors votes on the slate of officers to serve for the next 12 months. This is a volunteer position which requires…...

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Monday, Jun 6, 2011

Prospects for Europe & New England in the Transatlantic Economy

The German American Business Council (GABC) concluded their speaking event season on June 6, 2011 with a Transatlantic Economic BANG! The session was held at and sponsored by Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP in Boston. Speakers Dr. Elisabeth Denison, Director of Deloitte's Corporate Development & Strategy department in Germany and Dr. Daniel Hamilton, Director of…...

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mitigating the effects of Black Swans & other devastating effects on business economies

Roundtable discussion with guest speaker Matthias Wittenburg Commerzbank Corporates & Markets, Frankfurt, Germany. Who would have thought that the eruption of a volcano in Iceland could halt the Atlantic air traffic for a week or that a Japanese nuclear power plant could break down, resulting in a significant disturbance of supply chains? While disasters have…...

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

European Food Festival & Networking Evening

This event quickly sold out, as over 170 members of the European-American community joined friends and associates from the GABC for great socializing and networking in the beautiful mansion of the Goethe-Institut Boston. Guests enjoyed Bittenballen from Holland, Belgian waffles, meat pies from Britain, Swiss chocolates, and of course freshly made wursts from Boston's own…...

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cross Border Mergers & Acquisitions

What are the special challenges when a German company (Merck KGaA) merges with a Massachusetts company with large operations in Alsace (Millipore)? Or when a Swiss company (Novartis) and a company in Texas (Alcon) join forces? If the companies merge, what's to be done with two HR departments, two different technology systems, two parallel sets…...

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Tuesday, Mar 8, 2011

Building Efficiency in Germany and the U.S. Workshop

GABC was honored to be a supporting partner for this workshop organized by the German American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (GACC) in cooperation with the Building Energy 11 conference in Boston, MA. The event featured presentations from German and American energy efficiency experts as well as German efficient building companies who are preparing to enter…...

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Thursday, Feb 10, 2011

17th International Business Forum & Networking Evening

Held in the spacious offices of host Bingham McCutchen in the Financial District, this annual event again drew more than 300 attendees from over 20 international organizations. GABC was well represented in their capacity as a leading member of GBANE (Global Business Alliance of New England), the organizer of the event. Geoffrey Somes, Senior Economist…...

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Wednesday, Jan 19, 2011

Networking Evening at the German Consulate

Consul General Friedrich Löhr welcomed more than 70 representatives of German-American companies, and professionals with interest in German business, investment and trade to this event which was jointly organized by GABC and the Consulate General. Guests took advantage of the opportunity to meet old acquaintances and new potential partners, exchanging ideas on improving business and…...

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Wednesday, Dec 15, 2010

Weihnachtsfeier / Christmas Party

The Goethe Institute ballroom was once again the beautiful candlelit setting for the annual GABC Weihnachtsfeier. This year's program included a full course dinner, live music, raffle prizes, and an enthusiastic live auction. This is GABC's only fundraiser, and one of the most enjoyable events of the year. Our thanks go to the many members…...

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Wednesday, Oct 27, 2010

Panel Discussion: Building Multi-National Business Teams

What happens when a company headquartered in Europe sends their European staff to work with their teams in Boston that don't speak the same language, don't have the same ideas of what is "normal", or don't have the same expectations? Our panel of 5 international executives and professional executive coaches drew on years of experience…...

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